Nicole Lungerhausen

SF&F Writer | Theater Maker | Writing & Movement Coach

Read My Stories

If We’re Meant to Walk in the Sun, The Colored Lens

The Instrument, Apex Magazine’s Strange Machines Anthology

Song of Your Life, The Future Fire

Best of Abyss & Apex, Vol. 3

Tell Me Something Good, Luna Station Quarterly

I Want You to Want Me, Electric Spec

Tiny Lights, Apparition Lit

Urgent: Lost Bekip, Abyss & Apex

How to Survive a Crash Landing, Red Weather

Tree on Fire, A-Minor Magazine

Work With Me

As a coach, I work with beginning fiction and non-fiction writers to discover their voices and the stories they truly love to write. My specialties are fantasy, science fiction, and personal essays.

Example of services:

  • Body-focused coaching on how to tap into your writing voice and what you truly want to write about through sensory exercises, movement, and breath and voice work

  • Guidance on side-stepping the internal critic and working with writer’s block through exercises focused on playing, experimenting, and following your curiosity

  • Developmental critiques on flash fiction, short fiction, and personal essays

  • Pre-submission fine-tuning

  • “I love working with Nicole because she asks questions that help get to the root of where a piece of writing needs to go. . .the value of working with her is learning new ways to look at writing holistically and opening up our sometimes rigid minds to new ways to approach a problem within our work that is applicable across genres. She excels at helping me find ways to help myself, to honor my voice, and to keep searching for a path forward. She’s at the top of my fantasy acknowledgments list!”

    Logan S.

  • “Nicole has a gentle way of approaching the parts that need the most attention in a manuscript, without making you feel like you totally messed up. But she also isn’t afraid to point those spots out. I appreciate that frankness, coupled with a gentle approach. . .She helped me believe that a story has more merit than I originally thought. She makes me see ME better, or in a better context. I think that’s important for a writer when they come to a consultant: to feel like they are seen, that their work is taken seriously, and that it is enjoyed.

    Jerome S.

September 24, October 22 & November 19, 2024


Ahava Collective, 501 S. Mendenhall Street, Suite 203

Full, 3-class series $100; drop-in, single class $40

Women's Writing Workshop

  • This monthly workshop series is for both new and experienced women writers looking for a welcoming, judgment-free space to write and learn in the company of other women.

    Each 90-minute class will be broken into two parts:

    • During the first part, I’ll guide you in exploring a specific theme through writing prompts, freewriting, physical movement, and guided reflections.

    • The second part of class will give you the chance to write on your own – whether it’s continuing a piece of writing from the first part of class or tackling a different work in progress is up to you. There will also be time to share your writing and listen to others share their work – sharing is totally optional, of course!

    The themes we’ll explore are:

    • September 24 – waking up the five senses

    • October 22 – writing as a joyful process

    • November 19 – bringing theater techniques to your writing 

    • A feeling of playfulness and possibility.

    • New writing and ideas for keeping your creative momentum going.

    • Support from other women who have the urge to express themselves through words.

  • No previous writing experience necessary. All you need to bring is yourself, a notebook and pen, and your curiosity!

    This workshop is for any woman:

    • Wanting to write but feeling unsure of how to get started.

    • Wishing to become more confident and playful in expressing creativity through writing.

    • Looking for time, space, and encouragement to make progress on and/or complete a writing project.

About Me

Hi, I’m Nicole and I write fantasy and science fiction.

My stories have been published by Abyss & Apex, Apparition Lit, Apex, The Colored Lens, and The Future Fire, among others. My work is included in Abyss & Apex’s 2019 “Best of” anthology, received an honorable mention from L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

My writing is informed by my 10+ years as a professional theater actor in the San Francisco Bay Area. As an actor, I trained in dance, movement-based character work, breath techniques, sensory exercises and voice work. The majority of the projects I worked on—and found the most joy in creating—were devised through collaboration and improvisation by an ensemble. As a writer, I regularly use the skills I learned as an ensemble actor to create new material and revise stories. Sometimes I find the best way to work through a problem in a story is to get up away from the page and walk around in a character’s shoes for awhile.

I’m a member of SFWA, NCWN and Codex. I hold dual B.A.s in Creative Writing and Theater from San Francisco State University. I currently do all my living and writing in Greensboro, NC.

Contact Me

Have questions about or interested in my private 1:1 coaching services?

Send me your questions and contact info via this form. Or reach out on Instagram.